ipFlood – Simulate the use of a series of proxy changing at each new connection.

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IPFlood generates random IP according to the settings you define and uses them to fake the use of a proxy. It will allow you to be fully anonymous on several websites and applications and will sow more doubt on the others…

IP address is no longer a trusted data…

Excellent extension.

The module aims ipFlood is not to make a completely anonymous surfer, but rather to sow doubt about the reality of the IP address actually used by embedding it in the remote server IP addresses in various additional fictitious standard HTTP headers for that purpose.

The remote server then make a choice: retain the IP address with which it communicates effectively (ie your real IP address), or retain any of the IP addresses provided by this module (so that the information was no reality). The case where all IP addresses are retained by the server (ie the real IP address and IP addresses fictitious) is technically possible but highly unlikely.

In short, this module helps to drown a fish in water, but does not guarantee perfect anonymity. For this, there are different solutions that can be combined to ipFlood, such as a real proxy HTTP proxy, VPN, or a solution involving the anonymous Tor network.

That said, even then, keep in mind that there are still ways to identify a surfer on the Net, including recovering through various means your operating system (name, version, patches), browser (name and version) and its extensions, but also the resolution.

Download here:
http://www.filesonic.com/file/896158934/ipFlood 1.0.1.zip

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